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Prenatal Yoga

Lindsey’s prenatal yoga sequences are especially designed with a pregnant mama’s unique bodily needs in mind. The aim is to strengthen, protect, and soften the appropriate muscles needed for childbirth.

Practicing yoga during pregnancy can have a profound effect on how a mama ends up birthing her baby. In addition to getting a workout in, a mama learns how to breathe mindfully, focus her energy, and find ease during intensity. Prenatal yoga with Lindsey can be considered childbirth education in and of itself as pregnant mamas walk away from class with new insights and ideas for labor, as well as a deeper understanding of their own bodies.

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Mama + Baby Yoga

Lindsey's postnatal classes are a unique blend of bonding time for caregiver and baby, and mindful movement through yoga. We'll sing songs with baby, learn infant massage techniques, and flow through postures that are safe and beneficial to the postpartum body. This is a relaxed class where mamas and caregivers are encouraged to tend to their own needs and those of their babies in a comfortable, non-judgmental setting. Breastfeeding, bottle feeding, diaper changing, and napping through class are all welcome. Class is designed for babies ages newborn to crawling. 


Kids Yoga

These sequences are all about play, free expression, building energy, and learning how to be still in both our bodies and our minds. Yoga isn’t just about cool balance poses and tying yourself in knots, although those party tricks sure are fun! Children learn how to engage their muscles through yoga, building strength and body awareness that will serve them throughout their lives. Lindsey teaches breathing techniques, introduces mindful meditation, and incorporates ancient Hindu philosophy in a kid friendly way.

Available for private yoga sessions, workshop collaborations, and guest educator opportunities only at this time.